
Each Device contains one or more Services. For example SSH, VNC, RDP, HTTP, Minecraft, etc. Remote.It provides some example services, but you can add any TCP or UDP service as long as it has a single port associated with it.

Add a Service

The device itself must be online to set up any services. The services you define in need to be set up and running on the device. For example if you set up VNC in, but do not have it running, it will not be reachable by
Click on the device to see its details and click the + in the Services panel to add a new service.
Select the appropriate service type. Then provide a name and port (Defaults are provided for most services). Only override default port if you have assigned a different port for this service on your device. Override the service host address if you are using this device as a jump service.
Click save. You will now see the new service.
Repeat this process until you have all the services you want available via You are now ready to connect and/or share this device. Visit connections page or the sharing page.

Show Service Details

Click on a Service name in the center panel, you will see the Service details in the right panel under the Connection Section.


  • License - shows the License status of this Service.
  • Service Created - The date the service was added to this device
  • Service Port - the port of the application on the target device. (for example SSH is typically 22)
  • Service Protocol - TCP or UDP
  • Service Type - Service Type specified when registering this Service.
  • Service ID - A unique identifier for each service in your account. This is set at the time you register each service.  Also known as the "Service ID" or "UID".
  • Device ID - A unique identifier for each device in your account. This is set at the time you register the device.  Also known as the "Service ID" or "UID".

Edit a Service

You can only edit if you own the device or have manage permissions on the device if the device belongs to an Organization.Clicking on the "Service Configuration" above the service details will allow you to edit.After editing any of the options, click on the blue "Save" button near the bottom to save your changes.

  • Service Type - the application associated with this Service, e.g. SSH, VNC, Minecraft, HTTP, etc. If you do not see your particular type, you can choose either TCP or UDP to match the protocol of the service.
  • Service Host address - If is installed directly on the device for this service, leave the value as If it is HTTP or HTTPS and the service is running on a different port than 80 or 443, add ":<port>" to the end where <port> is the numeric port that the service is listening. If you are setting up a jump service, use the LAN Address or DNS name. 
  • Service Port - the port which the server application on your device is actually using.  For example, SSH typically uses port 22. When selecting the service type, will default to the known port for the service. If you have configured it differently on your device, update it here.
  • Enable Service - This should be left on by default. Only disable it in situations where you would like to manually enable connections or when you have a lot of services on a device and concerned about network usage. You will need to enable the service in order to connect.

Connection Defaults

In addition to setting your connection preferences for a service on the connection, you can also set the defaults for this service for all users who have access to the service. 

You can only edit connection defaults if you own the device or have manage permissions on the device if the device belongs to an Organization.


  • Local Port - The port assigned when making a connection. In general you should leave this unset and Remote.It will select an available port when making the connection. (This can only be set in the Desktop Application)
  • Routing - one of the following connection modes.  Peer to peer connections generally have better performance than proxy connections but may not work in all situations.  "Peer to peer with proxy failover" is the default and should work for most situations.  Connections which use UDP have to use peer to peer mode.  Learn more about the differences here: Peer to Peer vs Proxy Connections.
    • Peer to peer with proxy failover - initially attempts a peer to peer connection.  If that fails, uses proxy connection instead.
    • Peer to peer only (Please note if this is selected, connections will not be allowed via the Remote.It Portal and may not work in the mobile applications)
    • Proxy only.
    • Public Proxy
  • URL Template - If the service is an HTTP or HTTPS url you can set the path for the url here. For example if you need /admin at the end of the url. You can also set configurable string that allows you format the command line for launching the Service to your needs via the browser.
    This requires support in your browser, which works better on macOS than Windows for some applications. (if you would like to launch a specific program, set this in your connection settings for the service and not in the defaults) Be sure to use the tokens as displayed which will be replaced by the real values when the connection is generated.

  • Copy Command Template - used when you use the "Copy Launch String" method.  You will use this when you wish to use the remoteit Connection IP address/URL and port in something other than the default application for this Service Type.

  • Username default - You can use this field to provide the username value for connections.

Delete a Service

To remove a service from a device, click on the service, click on the 3 dots in the upper right pane and select "Delete Service"


Access Management

With Remote.It you can decide if you want to share a device (all services), individual services or create an organization to manage access to your devices. Learn more about Organizations and Sharing

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