Uninstallation for remote.it

To uninstall remote.it for Axis, remove the program on the Axis device and delete the registration information on the remote.it cloud.


Uninstall remote.it for Axis

Remove the remote.it device package installed on the Axis device.


For devices with firmware 9.x, the uninstallation process using the Web UI of the Axis device will not work. If you want to remove a program on such device, you need to reset the device to factory settings.

1. Use a web browser to access the Web UI of the Axis device with the Administrator role and click on the “Apps” menu.



2. Click the dot icon to the right of "remoteit" and click "Delete" in the menu. Then, Click the "Delete" button on the confirmation screen.




3. Once remoteit is removed from the Apps menu, the uninstallation of remote.it is complete.



Delete the remote.it device

Next, delete the information of the target device registered in remote.it.


1. Launch the remote.it desktop app, sign in, and make sure the target device is "offline".



2. Click the dot icon in the upper right corner of the device detail view, and then click "Delete Device" in the menu.



3. Click the "DELETE DEVICE" button on the confirmation screen.



Confirm that the device has removed from your device list.
The uninstallation is now complete.

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