Configure a Windows target for Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)


Remote Desktop Server is not included with Windows 10 Home Version.  You need to have Windows 10 Pro in order to use this feature.

Please follow the simple steps below to configure remote access:

  1. Set the RDP remote access permissions on the target machine.

  2. Create a new Device on the target machine.

  3. Create a RDP Service on the target machine.

Set up Remote Access

In order to remotely access a Windows machine, you must set the Remote Access permissions on the machine you wish to connect to.

First, open the “Control Panel” and navigate to “System and Security”.


This computer is running Windows 10.

Find “System” and click “Allow remote access”.

You may have to enter your administrator password when changing some of these options.

A “System Properties” window will open with the “Remote” tab already selected.

Under “Remote Desktop”, select “Allow remote connections to this computer”.

Make sure to apply and press "OK" to save your changes.

Please note that these options will not be present if your computer is set to go to sleep while not in use. Additionally, you will not be able to remotely access a computer that is asleep.

To change the sleep settings, go back to “System and Security” and click on “Power Options”.


Next to Balanced, click “Change plan settings”.

Make sure you change the plan settings for whatever plan you are currently using.

In the “Put the computer to sleep” drop-down menu, select “Never”.


In the “Turn off the display” drop-down menu, selecting "Never" is not required.


Make sure that these settings are saved by click "Save changes". Make sure that the remote connection options are also properly saved, as detailed above.

Remote Desktop is now enabled on your Windows machine!


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