Create Your Organization
Licenses and Members
Role Customization (Business/Fleet/Enterprise Only)
Device Tagging
Members of Organizations
SAML Integration (Business/Fleet/Enterprise Only)
Create Organization
Licenses and Members
Users of an organization need to be licensed under the organization to have unlimited access to all of the organizations devices. See subscriptions and licensing for more information.
Users who are unlicensed will only be allowed to manage and connect to the first 5 devices in the organization. This includes the organization owner. Seats for an organization can be assigned under the organization section where you manage the users. You can select their role and if you have seats available select if they licensed (using an available seat). If you decrease the number of seats in your subscription to be less than the number of licensed users in your organization, then the most recently added users will become unlicensed to match the number of seats.
After adding a licensed member you can then define the member's role.
Users with a Manager role are allowed to connect, run scripts, add, modify, and delete devices and services associated with the organization. Managers have the ability to transfer devices to other accounts. Any user assigned the Manager role must be a licensed user under the Organization.
Users with a Member role are allowed to connect and run scripts on all devices and services as well as viewing their log activity on devices belonging to the organization.
There is one owner of the organization. This is the person who created the organization. The owner controls adding and removing of members, the role assignment for members, the billing and subscriptions for the organization, all devices belonging to the organization, and view all log activity on the devices (including activity by other users who have access to the devices) this includes sharing, online/offline and connection logging.
Custom Roles (Business/Fleet/Enterprise Only)
Create as many custom roles with unique permissions as needed for your Organization.
Define Device Access
This is where you define the available device list to your members of an organization. Today there are two choices with unlimited customization.
All Devices
No device list restriction. A licensed user will have access to all devices in the organization now and in the future.
Tagged Devices
After assigning tags to your devices and/or Named Networks you can now restrict a members device list to specific devices or only give them access to specific services in Networks by using tags. If using multiple tags on a role, you can restrict the visible devices by matching devices with Any or All the tags. As soon as a tag is added or removed from a device or Network they would be added or removed from the users visible device list.t.
Administer - This allows an organization member to manage the organization members, roles, tags and settings in the organization. Admins can also view the log activity of the organization's devices which includes online/offline and connections events. These users can increase or decrease the number of licenses in the account but cannot change the subscription plan or payment details.
View - The default permission for all roles. This allows a user to view the devices and their status in the account based on the defined device access.
Connect - This allows an organization member to connect to all services of a devices that appear in the account based on the defined device access.
Manage - This allows an organization member to make changes, remove, add, or transfer devices in the Organization based on the defined device access.
Device Tagging
Tags is a powerful feature giving you the ability to define groups of devices, based on any criteria you like, by tagging them with a custom label. For example, you may decide to tag your devices based on their physical location, platform type, and software version using three descriptive Tags. As an Owner or Admin of an organization, you can use Tags to create any custom grouping you want to organize and easily identify and filter. Tagging is included in all the Remote.It subscription plans. However, permissions based on tags is only available to Business, Fleet, or Enterprise plans.
Networks and Tagging
With a Business, Fleet, or Enterprise plan, you can also define networks and tag them to manage permissions. Please see Named Networks to learn more.
Members of Organizations
Members of organizations will also have the ability to switch between their personal accounts and each organization in the desktop apps or web portal. The bottom left nav displays organizations you are a member of and when you mouse over, the name of the role assigned.
SAML Integration
The Remote.It Business, Fleet, and Enterprise Plans offer an optional custom integration of SAML-compatible authentication for the Remote.It accounts under a single email domain. Subscribers have the option to request SAML activation through the Organization Settings page in the Remote.It Desktop or web portal. With SAML authentication Remote.It users with accounts using the same email domain can use their company sign-in credentials when signing into Remote.It. This does not give immediate access to the Organization, you must still invite and assign a role for organization members. SAML Instructions.