Whether your configured remote.it Services appear online or offline is the result of several things.
1) You've waited a few minutes and refreshed the view after installation and configuration. It can take 2 or 3 minutes before Services appear online after being registered, even though they appear in the web portal, Desktop application, or mobile client.
2) You've made sure the daemons were running.
- If you installed the remoteit package on your device, see:
Checking that everything is running properly (remoteit package)
- If you installed the connectd package on your device, see:
Making sure that your connectd daemons are running and
Keeping your services running (connectd package)
3) Your firewall must be set up properly to allow outgoing UDP connections between port 5959 and 5970 in addition to other port ranges which are needed to make connections. Outgoing UDP is usually enabled by default on consumer routers, but more restrictive network environments may have outgoing UDP blocked.
To check your firewall, run:
/usr/share/remoteit/connectd -n
assuming that you installed the remoteit Device Package version 4.x or later.
For other versions of the Linux or macOS installer, run:
connectd -n
For Windows, run:
connectd.exe -n
A typical successful output is shown below.
Connectd built Jan 20 2022 at 00:48:47 Now Starting Up
Version - (c)2021 remot3.it, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Raspberry Pi Version
Running Network Diagnostics
Checking if DNS works ... [OK]
Checking TCP connectivity to api.remote.it...<oip=> [OK]
Checking UDP connectivity to remote.it...
Send to 52.38.xxx.yyy:5959 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=58653 mport=58653] [preserve port]
Send to 52.38.xxx.yyy:5960 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=58653 mport=58653] [no remap] [preserve port]
Send to 52.25.xxx.yyy:5961 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=58653 mport=58653] [no remap] [preserve port different IP]
Send to 34.221.xxx.yyy:5962 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=58653 mport=58653] [no remap] [preserve port different IP]
Send to 54.218.xxx.yyy:5963 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=58653 mport=58653] [no remap] [preserve port different IP] [OK]
Sanity Check Firewall Rules...
Check FE servers
Checking chat 52.38.xxx.yyy:5959 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.38.xxx.yyy:5960 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.25.xxx.yyy:5959 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.25.xxx.yyy:5960 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 34.221.xxx.yyy:5959 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 34.221.xxx.yyy:5960 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 54.218.xxx.yyy:5959 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 54.218.xxx.yyy:5960 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Check CHAT servers
Checking chat 52.39.xxx.yyy:5960 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.39.xxx.yyy:5961 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.39.xxx.yyy:5962 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.39.xxx.yyy:5963 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.39.xxx.yyy:5964 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.39.xxx.yyy:5965 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 54.71.xxx.yyy:5960 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 54.71.xxx.yyy:5961 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 54.71.xxx.yyy:5962 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 54.71.xxx.yyy:5963 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 54.71.xxx.yyy:5964 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 54.71.xxx.yyy:5965 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.88.xxx.yyy:5960 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.88.xxx.yyy:5961 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.88.xxx.yyy:5962 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.88.xxx.yyy:5963 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.88.xxx.yyy:5964 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 52.88.xxx.yyy:5965 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 34.217.xxx.yyy:5960 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 34.217.xxx.yyy:5961 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 34.217.xxx.yyy:5962 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 34.217.xxx.yyy:5963 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 34.217.xxx.yyy:5964 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Checking chat 34.217.xxx.yyy:5965 [] [mip=www.xxx.yyy.zzz] [oport=54282 mport=54282] [ok]
Firewall test discovered 0 ports blocked
This router preserves ports, this is optimal.
This router doesn't remap new connections to new ports.
Endian : Little
SHA512 test:
POLY1305 test:
ChaCha20 test:
SHA1 test:
RC4 test:
XXTEA test:
Looks compatible.
For general information about firewall requirements for using remote.it, please see this video:
If you require more detailed information, please send an e-mail to support@remote.it with "remote.it firewall settings" in the subject line.