You can't remove software while using a connection, so for this you'll need to have either LAN or hardware console access to your device (which typically involves sitting in front of it with a keyboard and monitor).
Open the Desktop app and go to Settings->Advanced. Click on "Uninstall" before proceeding below.
Use the "Programs and Features" page to uninstall
Open the Desktop app and go to Settings->Advanced. Click on "Uninstall" before proceeding below.
- Run "Uninstall" from the Desktop Settings screen as shown above.
- Go to the "Applications" folder and move the "" icon to the trash.
On Raspberry Pi OS, Raspbian, and other Debian-Linux systems, follow the instructions below.
Open a terminal on the target networked device, then run the following command:
sudo nohup apt -y purge remoteit
This will remove all scripts, binaries, and user configuration files.
If you wish to leave configuration files in place, run:
sudo nohup apt -y remove remoteit
This will remove all scripts, binaries, but leave user configuration files.
To delete the remoteit package using yum, run:
sudo yum remove remoteit
This will leave any dependent packages in place.
To also remove dependent packages, you will need to first install the "remove leaves" option.
sudo yum install yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves
Now you can run:
sudo yum remove remoteit --remove-leaves
Arch and Manjaro use the pacman package manager utility.
To uninstall remoteit, but leave any dependent packages in place, run:
sudo pacman -R remoteit
To uninstall remoteit, as well as any dependent packages that are not otherwise needed, run:
sudo pacman -Rcns remoteit
OpenWrt uses the opkg package manager utility.
To uninstall remoteit, but leave the configuration file in place, run (as root):
opkg remove remoteit
To uninstall remoteit, as well as the configuration file, run (as root):
opkg remove remoteit
rm /etc/remoteit/config.json
End of Section
You've reached the end of the section on installing