For more precise sharing you can share a specific Service with another user. All you need is the email that is associated with their remote.it account, and the Service you share will appear in their Devices tab.
To share a Service, select the Devices view, then click on the Device Name. To share a Device (all of its Services) or to choose which Service to share, click on the "Share" icon at upper right:
You will be taken to the Sharing screen for that Device. Enter one or more valid email addresses into the bar at the top. These are the user that you will be sharing the Services with.
Select the Services you want to share, or just use Select all if you wish to share all Services on the Device. You can also decide if you want to give the users the ability to run bulk scripts on the Device. Only allow script execution to users who you trust. When you are done configuring the permissions, click the Share button.
You can view the Shared Users on any Device that you own. This is labeled Access. Click on the Device Name and then Access, or if on the Service page, scroll down to the Access section.
Guests shows users to whom you shared the Device or any of its Services.
You can click on any user's email address to change their permissions, and you can click the Trash icon in the upper right to revoke their access. Remember to click Save to save your changes.
Organization Members shows users to whom you shared the Device as a result of using the Organizations feature. Clicking on the name will take you to the manage members page of the organization.
For sharing your entire Device List at once, refer to Organizations.