Checking that everything is running properly (remoteit package)

This command checks for remoteit related processes running immediately after you install the remoteit package (prior to adding any Services).

ps ax | grep remoteit | grep -v grep

Here's the expected output:

remoteit 4.x Device Package

You'll see:

  • one "connectd" line for each Service you have running (including the Device Name)
  • one "schannel" line
pi@raspberrypi-1:~ $ ps ax | grep remoteit | grep -v grep
633 ? Ss 0:03 /usr/share/remoteit/schannel -f /usr/share/remoteit/schannel.conf
1757 ? Ss 6:05 /usr/share/remoteit/connectd -e bWF4X2RlcHRoIDM1CmFwcGxpY2F0aW9uX3R5cGUgMjgKcHJveHlfZGVzdF9pcCAxMjcuMC4wLjEKbWFudWZhY3R1cmVfaWQgMzQzMDQKcGxhdGZvcm1fdmVyc2lvbiAxMDcyCnByb3h5X2Rlc3RfcG9ydCAyMgpVSUQgODA6MDA6MDE6N0Y6N0U6MDA6OTc6Q0MKc2VjcmV0IEE4NDNGOUQ3Nzk2QzU0NDFFQzg3NTgxQzBCNTExREMxMDNDODUxM0UKIwo=
1760 ? Ss 6:00 /usr/share/remoteit/connectd -e bWF4X2RlcHRoIDM1CmFwcGxpY2F0aW9uX3R5cGUgMzUKcHJveHlfZGVzdF9pcCAxMjcuMC4wLjEKbWFudWZhY3R1cmVfaWQgMzQzMDQKcGxhdGZvcm1fdmVyc2lvbiAxMDcyCnByb3h5X2Rlc3RfcG9ydCA2NTUzNQphcHBsaWNhdGlvbl90eXBlX292ZXJsb2FkIDQwClVJRCA4MDowMDowMTo3Rjo3RTowMDo5NzpDQgpzZWNyZXQgMzIwRTkyQThBNDQ1REIwOUNFOTFEQ0JGNUEyMkZBMjA0Qjg0RkVGRQojCg==
1761 ? Ss 5:52 /usr/share/remoteit/connectd -e bWF4X2RlcHRoIDM1CmFwcGxpY2F0aW9uX3R5cGUgNwpwcm94eV9kZXN0X2lwIDEyNy4wLjAuMQptYW51ZmFjdHVyZV9pZCAzNDMwNApwbGF0Zm9ybV92ZXJzaW9uIDEwNzIKcHJveHlfZGVzdF9wb3J0IDgwClVJRCA4MDowMDowMTo3Rjo3RTowMDo5NzpDRApzZWNyZXQgRkNCM0JFQzdGRUFBNTIxNkQ3MjRCQjQ0NDY5N0FENTE5NUFFNjI2MwojCg==
1764 ? Ss 6:56 /usr/share/remoteit/connectd -e bWF4X2RlcHRoIDM1CmFwcGxpY2F0aW9uX3R5cGUgMzI3NzAKcHJveHlfZGVzdF9pcCAxMjcuMC4wLjEKbWFudWZhY3R1cmVfaWQgMzQzMDQKcGxhdGZvcm1fdmVyc2lvbiAxMDcyCnByb3h5X2Rlc3RfdWRwX3BvcnQgNTE5MDAKVUlEIDgwOjAwOjAxOjdGOjdFOjAwOkExOjI2CnNlY3JldCA3NDZGNDUxOEIyN0EzMEJBMEZBNzhBQURDREQyNDgxNzU3MjVFQjc4CiMK
pi@raspberrypi-1:~ $

If no connectd daemons are running

If you find that no connectd daemons are running, please run the following commands:

sudo systemctl status remoteit@*
sudo systemctl status connectd
sudo systemctl status schannel

If you see any errors similar to the following:

Jun 15 11:32:34 126G3S remoteit: A dependency job for connectd.service failed. See 'journalctl -xe' for details.
Jun 15 11:56:59 126G3S systemd[1]: connectd.service: Job connectd.service/start failed with result 'dependency'.


then it is likely that you have a service called rc-local.service defined which is not starting properly.   You can confirm this by running:

sudo systemctl status rc-local

and looking for errors or "fail" messages.

Remove the dependency on rc-local.service

Here's how to remove the dependency on rc-local.service if that is the case. 



The files referred to here may be in /lib/systemd/system, or they may be in /usr/lib/systemd/system.

  1. Copy /lib/systemd/system/remoteit@.service to /etc/lib/systemd/system/remoteit@.service
  2. Copy /lib/systemd/system/connectd.service to /etc/lib/systemd/system/connectd.service
  3. Copy /lib/systemd/system/schannel.service to /etc/lib/systemd/system/schannel.service
  4. Edit each of the copied files in /etc/systemd/system to make the following changes:





  1. Reboot your device and confirm that the daemons are running properly.
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