Jump Services

Remote.It is an application that allows you to access certain services (like programs or files) on one device from another device on the same local network (LAN). This is called a "jump service" or "jump box."

To make this work, you need the following:

  1. A Remote.It Account
  2. The Remote.It Desktop App installed on your laptop or desktop computer (used for setup)
  3. A device on the destination network (where you want to access the service) with Remote.It installed

The device you want to access must have one of the following for the jump service to be set up correctly:


  1. A static LAN IP address (a fixed, unchanging address)
  2. An equivalent to a static IP address, like a "DHCP Reservation" through your router (so it always gets the same address)
  3. An MDNS or "Bonjour" address, like "raspberrypi.local" (a unique name for the device on the network).

It's important to use a device that will be available all the time and not one that goes to sleep or gets disconnected from the network. For example, a Raspberry Pi or an inexpensive computer/travel router, such as a GLiNet or OpenWRT device, can be a good choice for this purpose because they can stay on continuously. If you use a PC or laptop, it will need to be set to never sleep or hibernate and never removed from the LAN. In AWS or other cloud network, a standard instance will do.

By setting up this jump service, you can remotely access and use the services on the target device without needing to physically be there, which can be really helpful in certain situations.


Setup via Desktop

If you haven't already setup your desktop and the target device, please follow these directions before proceeding.

Open the desktop app and select the device on the device list which will act as the host.



Add the Service. Click + to add the service



 Set up your service. Enter your service details using the LAN IP address or host name and save.


Connect. Use the address provided by Remote.It in your client software. (e.g. Azure Data Studio for this case). If you leave it added to your network, the address will remain the same and you can connect on demand without needing to return to the Desktop App. Just go directly to your client app.



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