Linux VNC

Set up your Linux Computer/Server for VNC

  1. Install a VNC server and enable it (Remote.It will not make a recommendation due to the number of package managers and choices available)
  2. Ensure that the VNC server is started and will automatically start on reboot of the Linux computer
  3. Ensure that the Linux Computer/Server is configured to not sleep or hibernate
  4. Get the Linux Computer’s hostname or LAN IP address 

Add Service in Remote.It

  1. In the Remote.It application (desktop, mobile or, navigate to the Jumpbox device page and click + (Add Service)
  2. Select VNC in the service types. (This may be found under “More”)
  3. Set the “Service Host”. Enter the Linux Computer’s hostname  plus “.local” or enter the LAN IP address.
  4. “Service Port”. Leave the default port set unless you have changed the port for VNC (Not common)
  5. Enter a name that you will recognize for connecting on the service list. For example, you could use the hostname “Office-Linux-Server.local” or “Office Linux Server VNC”
  6. Click “Save”


You will need to do this on each device you wish to use VNC. For example, on a Mac, Windows computer, iPad, iPhone, or your Android phone or tablet. Make sure you have an application installed that can use a VNC connection such as RealVNC Viewer. You can use the Screen Sharing App on a Mac. This will be the app that uses the connection.

  1. From any device you wish to connect from, open the Remote.It application (Desktop, mobile,
  2. Select your Jumpbox device
  3. Click the “play” button on the Linux VNC Service.
  4. Use the connection information in the VNC Viewer app.
    1. If using the Desktop app, you may be able to launch the VNC App by clicking the Launch button. When prompted for the username enter the username used for sign in on the Linux Computer/Server (Office-Linux-Server in this example). See more on connection settings to set your application
    2. You can manually add the Linux Computer/Server to the VNC app by adding a connection, then enter the endpoint URL and port from the Remote.It app connection.  Use the icons below the endpoint URL to copy the url and port, url or port. Some VNC applications may set the port in a separate field from the url/IP address. Please refer to your application instructions.

NOTE: This connection information is private to you and will not work if shared to anyone else.

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