We wanted to make it easier for you to deploy to all your Linux or Raspberry Pi installations without having to figure out which package or architecture you may need. This method requires the device to be online and connected to the internet. This method also supports devices such as OpenWrt routers, nVidia Jetson, Debian/Arch based x86 PCs, etc.
If you are looking for installation on many devices or OEM instructions, please see https://link.remote.it/docs/oem-overview
You can find this functionality in remote.it for Windows, Mac, Linux version 3.5.2 or later or on our web portal https://app.remote.it
A command will be generated that you should copy and paste to your device's console, then execute.
Running this command will find the correct package and register a new remote.it Device directly to your remote.it account with an SSH service ready for use. You can add additional remote.it Services as needed.
What is this command doing?
The command will find the appropriate package, download and install and start it on your device. It will register to your account and create a remote.it SSH service which you can access from the desktop, mobile devices or https://app.remote.it
R3_REGISTRATION_CODE is a generated GUID specific to your personal account or Organization if you have the required permissions.
It will automatically register your device and has an SSH service with default service port 22 so you can quickly get started and connected on a new device.
sh -c lets your terminal know how to run the next command
curl -L requires curl with SSL support installed on the device. This command is downloading our latest installer script.
https://downloads.remote.it/remoteit/install_agent.sh this is our generic installer script that will try and determine your OS and CPU architecture and install the latest remote.it device package for your system. If your system can't be identified please let us know at support@remote.it and we'll get it added.
What now?
See our use cases to see what you can start doing with remote.it.
Troubleshooting the install
Setting Hostname prior to installation
By default, the name of your new remote.it Device will be your Linux device's hostname. To change your device's hostname, run the following command:
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname NEWHOSTNAME
Look for either of the following messages:
- There is already a registration file so skipping license key registration
- There is already a claim code so skipping license key registration
If you find either of those messages, it suggests that remoteit has already been installed. So, first make sure you haven't already configured this device. If you haven't, then you should remove the previous installation and run the 1-line installer again by running these commands:
sudo dpkg --purge remoteit
ls -l /etc/remoteit
ls: cannot access '/etc/remoteit': No such file or directory
You will need curl installed prior to running the 1-line installer.
If you're on any Debian based Linux please use the commands below. Otherwise use your system specific package manager to install the curl package..
sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl
If your system can't be identified please let us know at support@remote.it and we'll get it added.
Run the following commands to display important information to help us determine your architecture.
uname -a
cat /etc/*release
cat /proc/cpuinfo
lsb_release -a
Get connected
Select your service and add it to your local network. Then you can copy the address into your favorite terminal or launch it directly from remote.it.
We'll ask you for the username, you only need to supply it once for the connection.
Auto launch with ssh keys on the command line
The connection assumes username and password but you can modify it to launch automatically with your preferred ssh key by switching Launch Type to Command and modifying the command.
Customize your service
The created SSH service defaults to the service port 22 on the device but if you have configured your system differently you just need to update it in remote.it. Make sure the service is not added to your network before modifying the service properties.
Add more services
Running a web server, database or want to connect with VNC to view the desktop? Add them right from here and configure them for the correct ports. VNC may need some additional setup on your device.